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Showing posts from October, 2004

Last 4 digits..

hmm.. arahan reload via sms utk rangkaian celcom.. rasanya pihak terbabit lupa hendak kemaskini arahan bhgian "last 4 digits of the serial number" di laman web mesej yg diterima ialah : To recharge own no, type REC <Recharge Code> & send to 2888.E.g. REC 1234567890123456 & send to 2888 "last 4 digits.." tidak perlu lagi..


har har har har har har... HOW TO SHOWER LIKE A WOMAN -Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks. -Walk into bathroom wearing long dressing gown. If you see your husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas. -Look at your womanly physique in the mirror. Make mental note...Must do more sit-ups. -Get in the shower. Use face cloth, arm cloth, leg cloth, long loofah, wide loofah, and pumice stone. -Wash your hair with Cucumber Sage shampoo with 43 added vitamins. -Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean. Condition your hair with Grapefruit Mint conditioner, enhanced with natural avocado oil. Leave on hair for fifteen minutes. Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for ten minutes, until red. -Wash entire rest of body with Ginger Nut and Jaffa Cake body wash. -Rinse conditioner off hair. You must make sure that it has all come off. Shave armpits and legs. Consider shaving bikini area, but decide to get it waxed instead. ...


woaaa..ada macam 2 pantang larang juga dlm sambutan Halloween.. * hmm..ya laa..tak pnah sambut.. tak tau aa* * All Souls in Purgatory are released for forty-eight hours for All Hallows Eve. On this night they are free (Gaelic). * On Halloween, the wind blowing over the feet of the deceased bears sighs to the houses of those about to die within the year (Wales). * If you go to the crossroads at Halloween and listen to the wind, you will learn all the most important things that will befall you during the next twelve months. * If you take a three-legged footstool and sit at a crossroads while the church clock is striking twelve on Halloween, you will hear proclaimed aloud the names of the church parishioners doomed to die within the next twelve months. If you throw an article of clothing belonging to any one of those doomed people into the air and call out their name, you can keep death from stalking at their door (Highlands of Scotland). * To ensure fertility of crops during the coming...


Yang ini sudah tersebar..mungkin sejak peristiwa 11/9/2001..kurang pasti samada fakta 2 dari no 1 - 19 adalah 100% benar.. jika dibaca sambil lalu..kelihatan ada fakta yg benar.. mungkin telah dicampur aduk..hmmmm.. yg berwarna merah .. perlu pengesahan..tetapi berdasarkan kajian dgn menggunakan enjin carian.. telah diketemui jwpan.. antaranya Quran 9:11 rumor .. begitu juga selidikan menggunakan , didapati ayatnya ialah : 009.011 فَإِنْ تَابُوا وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلاةَ وَآتَوُا الزَّكَاةَ فَإِخْوَانُكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَ...

Kari naik..Kari turun

untuk kari.. errr *apa? kari? emmm!!!* .. hehehe.. pembikinan karikatur Samy&Siti a.k.a IKWYDTR.. kredit kpd MatJan dgn lirik lagu *ko mmg bes aa bro..tu yg fofula ko trus exceed limit!* & juga foto SV.. kredit juga pd laman web utk gambar Siti..nasib baik ada muka terkejut tu..TQ kredit utk poket juga..sbb buat benda yg tidak berfaedah ini.. *ya lerr..duit x masuk..hutang kredit ada..hehehe* vs. ok..asyik di atas shj..turun ke bwh pula.. biar Samy & Siti di atas.. huhuhu.. *ikon senyum guling-guling*
Warning to Flash Developers Dear Flash developer, Please read carefully the following rules. This will ensure you will enjoy Mobiclip and use it at its full potential. Rule #1: Mobiclip is *not* a Flash player Mobiclip is a MO file player. Our ambition is to provide the easiest way to create contents for mobile phones, not to support all Flash features. Flash is one among many import formats. Please refer to the Mobiclip Manual to see how you can develop great Mobiclip contents using Flash. Rule #2: A mobile phone is *not* a computer; design your content accordingly Your mobile phone is not nearly as powerful as your computer. There is little chance that tons of shapes and thousands of lines of code will run smoothly on a phone. Moreover, a mobile phone usually has a small screen, a strange keyboard and no mouse. Take care of this if you want people to enjoy your contents. Corollary: trying to convert an SWF file from the Internet (designed for a computer) is probably a bad idea. Rule ...