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Showing posts from December, 2004

Lack of Warning System Hindered Scientists Who Saw Early Threat of Tsunami

Source: Chicago Tribune -- Dec 27, 10:15 PM KLIK IMEJAN Dec. 28--CHICAGO -- With a killer tsunami bearing down on Sri Lanka and India at airliner speeds, an effort to save thousands of lives came down to a handful of overworked employees in Hawaii trying to telephone government officials they did not know and did not know how to reach. For 40 years, governments around the Pacific Ocean have known the giant waves caused by massive undersea earthquakes could reach across thousands of miles of ocean and devastate coastal areas, and they had prepared accordingly. Not so around the Indian Ocean, where tens of thousands of people were killed by a wave hundreds of miles long that erupted from the ocean early Sunday morning. Technology had given scientists a warning of the potential danger, but they had no way to get it to the people in the wave's path. Only after the first waves hit Sri Lanka did workers at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Tsunami Warning Cent...

Kesilapan skrip jawa & kekerasan..

ada kesilapan teknik dlm pemprosesan skrip jawa dlm kod sumber aturan laman ini. *ishhh..bengap sungguh rasanya* telah dipadamkan terus..krn ia seakan mengganggu.. tahun 2005 akan dtg..rasanya cabaran hidup bertambah hebat.. perlu kerja keras.. perlu keras kerja.. kerja perlu keras.. keras perlu kerja.. kerja..kerja..kerja.. kerasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!! tsunami melanda hidup..perlu berjuannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!!


ARRGGGGHHH..dah hujung tahun 2004.. nak masuk 2005..  

'Buah tangan' pertama Jins Shamsuddin di Dewan Negara

04:13AM (16-12-2004) Bayangkan dunia hiburan tanpa gosip.Ada yang merasa ia ibarat lagu tanpa irama. Bagaimanapun Datuk Jins Shamsuddin melihat gosip sebagai satu unsur perosak kepada kesejahteraan dunia hiduran. Inilah ?buah tangan? pertamanya ketika melangkah masuk menghadiri sidang Dewan Negara sebagai seorang Senator. Rabu ialah hari pertama Jins Shamsuddin menghadiri sidang itu.Beliau juga adalah seniman pertama yang dilantik ke jawatan itu untuk mewakili industri seni dan hiburan tanahair. Ketika menyertai perbahasan Rang Undang-Undang Perbekalan 2005 beliau membuat cadangan yang agak mengejutkan iaitu meminta Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri agar meneliti semula ruangan gosip di media tempatan yang disifatkannya lebih banyak `melaga-lagakan' seniman dalam dunia hiburan. Seniman veteran itu berkata ruangan gosip tidak mempunyai banyak kebaikan selain memecah-belahkan artis seperti yang banyak berlaku sekarang. "Contohnya macam satu kes seniman kita baru-bar...


Oleh : Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia PENDAHULUAN Istilah ‘Negara Islam’ tidak tercatat secara langsung dalam al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Perbahasan mengenainya hanya dibuat berpandukan kepada ijtihad para ulama mujtahidin. Perbahasan ini dibuat bertujuan menentukan kategori sesuatu negara atau tempat yang didiami oleh umat Islam samada bertaraf ‘kampung halaman Islam atau hak umat Islam’ atau ‘kampung halaman kafir harbi’ yang memerangi umat Islam. baca lanjut di sini.. kredit: Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia

LIVEWIRE - File-sharing network thrives beneath the radar

By Adam Pasick LONDON (Reuters) - A file-sharing program called BitTorrent has become a behemoth, devouring more than a third of the Internet's bandwidth, and Hollywood's copyright cops are taking notice. For those who know where to look, there's a wealth of content, both legal -- such as hip-hop from the Beastie Boys and video game promos -- and illicit, including a wide range of TV shows, computer games and movies. Average users are taking advantage of the software's ability to cheaply spread files around the Internet. For example, when comedian Jon Stewart made an incendiary appearance on CNN's political talk show "Crossfire," thousands used BitTorrent to share the much-discussed video segment. Even as lawsuits from music companies have driven people away from peer-to-peer programs like KaZaa, BitTorrent has thus far avoided the ire of groups such as the Motion Picture Association of America. But as BitTorrent's popularity grows, the service could b...

Interesting news on Malaysian National News Agency :: BERNAMA

Hello , Your friend, considered the following article interesting and wanted to send it to you. Online Market eBay Malaysia Launched with a message: "" You can read more Malaysian News at . Thank you.

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Your message: Ujian NOKIA 5210 utk siaran ORAET.COM ============================================================ Celcom Electronic Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************ NOTE: You are not allowed to use the SMS service for public advertisement, public services or similar without first obtaining the permission from CELCOM. NOTE: Any sender/host who abuse the usage of this service including but not limited to spam will be barred from using the service without prior notice. ************************************************************ ============================================================ This service is provided by Celcom (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Any suggestions or complaints regarding this service, please feel free to forward it to Thank you. Please visit us at

hehehe.. mengembalikan semula pautan RSS utk ruang kiri.. besarlah harapan kiranya tdk berpindah-randah spt 'badui' lg.. ha ha ha

Majalah digital..

era baru.. majalah yg sama tp dlm bentuk digital utk kemudahan bacaan elektronik.. tiada 'rasa' spt konsep konvensional.. terpulang kpd pilihan diri masing 2 .. ada majalah yg perlukan aplikasi pembaca atau 'reader' tersendiri.. ada yg gunakan format standard yg digunapakai oleh ramai iaitu .pdf (portable document format) trend majalah digital masih dlm proses pembinaan, majalah 'yg dipegang' masih mjd pilihan ramai.. antaranya : ..format pdf.. ..perlukan zinio reader.. ..majalah dlm talian.. ada lagi?


masa utk berjimat skrg ini. tiba 2 ..ada shj harga yg perlu dibayar.. sabar shjlah..