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Showing posts from 2004

Lack of Warning System Hindered Scientists Who Saw Early Threat of Tsunami

Source: Chicago Tribune -- Dec 27, 10:15 PM KLIK IMEJAN Dec. 28--CHICAGO -- With a killer tsunami bearing down on Sri Lanka and India at airliner speeds, an effort to save thousands of lives came down to a handful of overworked employees in Hawaii trying to telephone government officials they did not know and did not know how to reach. For 40 years, governments around the Pacific Ocean have known the giant waves caused by massive undersea earthquakes could reach across thousands of miles of ocean and devastate coastal areas, and they had prepared accordingly. Not so around the Indian Ocean, where tens of thousands of people were killed by a wave hundreds of miles long that erupted from the ocean early Sunday morning. Technology had given scientists a warning of the potential danger, but they had no way to get it to the people in the wave's path. Only after the first waves hit Sri Lanka did workers at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Tsunami Warning Cent...

Kesilapan skrip jawa & kekerasan..

ada kesilapan teknik dlm pemprosesan skrip jawa dlm kod sumber aturan laman ini. *ishhh..bengap sungguh rasanya* telah dipadamkan terus..krn ia seakan mengganggu.. tahun 2005 akan dtg..rasanya cabaran hidup bertambah hebat.. perlu kerja keras.. perlu keras kerja.. kerja perlu keras.. keras perlu kerja.. kerja..kerja..kerja.. kerasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!! tsunami melanda hidup..perlu berjuannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!!


ARRGGGGHHH..dah hujung tahun 2004.. nak masuk 2005..  

'Buah tangan' pertama Jins Shamsuddin di Dewan Negara

04:13AM (16-12-2004) Bayangkan dunia hiburan tanpa gosip.Ada yang merasa ia ibarat lagu tanpa irama. Bagaimanapun Datuk Jins Shamsuddin melihat gosip sebagai satu unsur perosak kepada kesejahteraan dunia hiduran. Inilah ?buah tangan? pertamanya ketika melangkah masuk menghadiri sidang Dewan Negara sebagai seorang Senator. Rabu ialah hari pertama Jins Shamsuddin menghadiri sidang itu.Beliau juga adalah seniman pertama yang dilantik ke jawatan itu untuk mewakili industri seni dan hiburan tanahair. Ketika menyertai perbahasan Rang Undang-Undang Perbekalan 2005 beliau membuat cadangan yang agak mengejutkan iaitu meminta Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri agar meneliti semula ruangan gosip di media tempatan yang disifatkannya lebih banyak `melaga-lagakan' seniman dalam dunia hiburan. Seniman veteran itu berkata ruangan gosip tidak mempunyai banyak kebaikan selain memecah-belahkan artis seperti yang banyak berlaku sekarang. "Contohnya macam satu kes seniman kita baru-bar...


Oleh : Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia PENDAHULUAN Istilah ‘Negara Islam’ tidak tercatat secara langsung dalam al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Perbahasan mengenainya hanya dibuat berpandukan kepada ijtihad para ulama mujtahidin. Perbahasan ini dibuat bertujuan menentukan kategori sesuatu negara atau tempat yang didiami oleh umat Islam samada bertaraf ‘kampung halaman Islam atau hak umat Islam’ atau ‘kampung halaman kafir harbi’ yang memerangi umat Islam. baca lanjut di sini.. kredit: Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia

LIVEWIRE - File-sharing network thrives beneath the radar

By Adam Pasick LONDON (Reuters) - A file-sharing program called BitTorrent has become a behemoth, devouring more than a third of the Internet's bandwidth, and Hollywood's copyright cops are taking notice. For those who know where to look, there's a wealth of content, both legal -- such as hip-hop from the Beastie Boys and video game promos -- and illicit, including a wide range of TV shows, computer games and movies. Average users are taking advantage of the software's ability to cheaply spread files around the Internet. For example, when comedian Jon Stewart made an incendiary appearance on CNN's political talk show "Crossfire," thousands used BitTorrent to share the much-discussed video segment. Even as lawsuits from music companies have driven people away from peer-to-peer programs like KaZaa, BitTorrent has thus far avoided the ire of groups such as the Motion Picture Association of America. But as BitTorrent's popularity grows, the service could b...

Interesting news on Malaysian National News Agency :: BERNAMA

Hello , Your friend, considered the following article interesting and wanted to send it to you. Online Market eBay Malaysia Launched with a message: "" You can read more Malaysian News at . Thank you.

Email via Celcom GSM Short Message Service.

Your message: Ujian NOKIA 5210 utk siaran ORAET.COM ============================================================ Celcom Electronic Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************ NOTE: You are not allowed to use the SMS service for public advertisement, public services or similar without first obtaining the permission from CELCOM. NOTE: Any sender/host who abuse the usage of this service including but not limited to spam will be barred from using the service without prior notice. ************************************************************ ============================================================ This service is provided by Celcom (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Any suggestions or complaints regarding this service, please feel free to forward it to Thank you. Please visit us at

Email via Celcom GSM Short Message Service.

Your message: Ujian NOKIA 5210 utk siaran ORAET.COM ============================================================ Celcom Electronic Bulletin Board ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************ NOTE: You are not allowed to use the SMS service for public advertisement, public services or similar without first obtaining the permission from CELCOM. NOTE: Any sender/host who abuse the usage of this service including but not limited to spam will be barred from using the service without prior notice. ************************************************************ ============================================================ This service is provided by Celcom (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Any suggestions or complaints regarding this service, please feel free to forward it to Thank you. Please visit us at

hehehe.. mengembalikan semula pautan RSS utk ruang kiri.. besarlah harapan kiranya tdk berpindah-randah spt 'badui' lg.. ha ha ha

Majalah digital..

era baru.. majalah yg sama tp dlm bentuk digital utk kemudahan bacaan elektronik.. tiada 'rasa' spt konsep konvensional.. terpulang kpd pilihan diri masing 2 .. ada majalah yg perlukan aplikasi pembaca atau 'reader' tersendiri.. ada yg gunakan format standard yg digunapakai oleh ramai iaitu .pdf (portable document format) trend majalah digital masih dlm proses pembinaan, majalah 'yg dipegang' masih mjd pilihan ramai.. antaranya : ..format pdf.. ..perlukan zinio reader.. ..majalah dlm talian.. ada lagi?


masa utk berjimat skrg ini. tiba 2 ..ada shj harga yg perlu dibayar.. sabar shjlah..

Mainan 'buang masa'..

oh wow! terpaksa 'buang masa' setelah beberapa 'masa dibuang' utk kerja 2 pejabat.. koleksi mainan Flash di tewaskan A.I pula.. KLIK..

MSN Search Service Beta Now Available..

Not wanting to get left behind Google's trail in the search engine stakes... Microsoft has been working hard behind the scenes on its new search engine! KLIK.. tambahan : msnsearch's WebLog Ramblings of an XP Junkie...

SHERLOCK - The Codec Detective!..

ini 1 aplikasi yg amat berguna utk pengguna Windows XP Home Edition / Windows XP Professional / Windows 2000 Pro .. ia dpt mengesan kewujudan dan sebarang masalah berkaitan CODECS Audio Video di komputer platfrom Windows.. dapatkannya skrg.. alamak.. nampaknya ada masalah yg perlu diperbetulkan pada komputer ini..

A Poem For Computer Users Over 30..

A computer was something on TV From a science fiction show of note A window was something you hated to clean And ram was the cousin of a goat. Meg was the name of my girlfriend And gig was a job for the nights Now they all mean different things And that really mega bytes. An application was for employment A program was a TV show A cursor used profanity A keyboard was a piano. Memory was something that you lost with age A CD was a bank account And if you had a 3-in. floppy You hoped nobody found out. Compress was something you did to the garbage Not something you did to a file And if you unzipped anything in public You'd be in jail for a while. Log on was adding wood to the fire Hard drive was a long trip on the road A mouse pad was where a mouse lived And a backup happened to your commode. Cut you did with a pocket knife Paste you did with glue A web was a spider's home And a virus was the flu. I guess I'll stick to my pad and paper And the memory in my head I hear nobody...

Gif format..

fail sebelum ini dlm format .jpg.. banyaknya koleksi.. hendak diubahsuai ke format .gif 1 per 1 pasti ambil masa yg pjg.. maka "Advanced Batch Converter™ v.3.9 for Windows® 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP" jadi pembantu.. memudahkan tugas harian.. KLIK.. info : 1 bit (B/W) 2 bit (4 colors) 3 bit (8 colors) 4 bit (16 colors) 5 bit (32 colors) 6 bit (64 colors) 7 bit (128 colors) 8 bit (256 colors)

Hmm..jejak bertapak..

kes 2 begini kerap berlaku.. beringat 2 lah.. ingatlah org yg tersayang..semoga anda selamat pulang.. err pulangkan duit *cam iklan radio lg daaa.. dulu 2 di cerita yg ini pun lebih kurang sama..2 x 5 Peralat nama Allah agama..

Mata CSI..! katakan bhgian imejan ini dari foto di laman projek "The 2.5 gigapixel photo" dpt dicari dlm masa kurang 5.2 minit.. mmg sah mata CSI ..

Ok..ok.. sudah 33 tahun..

In 1971 (the year you were born) Richard Nixon is president of the US Charles Manson and 3 of his followers are convicted of multiple counts of first-degree murder An earthquake in California's San Fernando Valley kills 64 people New York Times begins publication of classified Pentagon papers on US involvement in Vietnam The $70 million Kennedy Center opens in Washington, DC A four day revolt at New York's Attica state prison ends after being stormed by 1000 state troopers A new stock-market index called the Nasdaq debuts Walt Disney World opens Intel releases world's first microprocessor, the 4004 Ray Tomlinson sends the first e-mail Libertarian party established in USA Kid Rock, Denise Richards, Sean Astin, Winona Ryder, and Ricky Martin are born Pittsburgh Pirates win the World Series Baltimore Colts win Superbowl V Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is published The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour premieres on television "Bridge Over T...


setelah mengemas laman sendiri.. baru ada masa utk kemaskini pautan.. ada yg bertukar alamat.. ada yg selia domain sendiri..ada yg tambah blog..ada yg senyap.. hmm.. caya..caye..cayi..cayo..cayu.. >> JONGKANG-JONGKET oleh MATJAN >> SERANTAU oleh HARON ABDULMAJID >> ENCHANTED REALM oleh DONA AHMAD >> NIKRAMZI.COM oleh NIXK >> ANJAKAN REALITI oleh KAK NGAH yg pergi..biarkan ia pergi..semoga anda selamat pulang.. * iklan daaa* maknanya terpaksalah dibuang jalinan kemesraan yg selama ini terpaut di tepian laman..

Secret of long happy life..

A man walked up to a little old lady rocking in a chair on her porch. "I couldn't help noticing how happy you look," he said. "What's your secret for a long happy life?" "I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day," she said. "I also do a gramme of charlie a day, a spliff every night, a case of whiskey a week, eat junk food, and never exercise, and do pills on the weekend." "That's amazing," said the man, "how old are you?" "Twenty-four."

Allahhuakbar..Nenek Kebayan Orang Besar..

oleh sbb tajuk shj berbeza.. cerita yg sama.. maka tajuk entri kali ini gabungan kesemuanya.. Penduduk nampak Budin selepas laung Allahhuakbar 3 beradik ikut ‘nenek’ redah paya Edisi Nasional: 3 beradik dibawa nenek kebayan Kami Ikut Orang Besar Ke Hutan - Kata Abang Tiga Beradik BERSAMA SEMULA…Tiga beradik, Shaharuddin, Budin dan Mariam kembali ke pangkuan ibu dan bapa mereka Sallehuddin Abdul Halim dan Hasmah Sih di Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, hari Khamis.

Kempen Keselamatan Jalan Raya Kebangsaan..

sebagai tanda ingatan bersama.. usaha BERNAMA.COM yg patut diteruskan dgn gambar 2 yg memberi lebih impak maksima..

Virus Tips..

Ten Commandments for Your Computer Sanity 1. Do not open e-mails coming from unknown or distrusted sources. 2. Do not open any e-mail message unless you know what is it about, even if it comes from a friend or partner. Most viruses spread via e-mail messages so please ask for a confirmation from the sender if you are in anny doubt. 3. Do not open the attachments of messages with a suspicious or unexpected subject. If you want to open them, first save them to your hard disk and scan them with an updated antivirus program. 4. Delete any chain e-mails or unwanted messages. Do not forward them or reply to their senders. This kind of messages is considered spam, because it is undesired and unsolicited and it overloads the Internet traffic. 5. Do not copy any file if you don't know or don't trust its source. 6. Be very careful when downloading files from the Internet. Check their source every time and make sure that an antivirus program already verified the files on the download site...

Phonological Differences..

satu kertas kerja / kajian yg amat menarik.. dan yg lain 2 menarik utk dibaca di

Diari seorang pelarian..

..:: The Daily Life of Kawther Salam ::.. After I was forced by the Israeli occupation forces to leave my home in Palestine, I fled to Vienna, Austria, where I currently live as a refugee. I started my online diary in October 2001 while still living in Palestine, where I worked as a journalist. You will find the first part of my diary at the website of Gush Shalom, here. The nice people at Gush Shalom translated all my material from the time in Palestine to Hebrew. The translation of all my material from the time in Palestine to Dutch is here. Thank you so much ! I will continue publishing my diary as well as related material pertaining to the Occupation of Palestine by Israel, at this site. You may write me here.

Kebersihan amalan kita..

hehehe.. World Toilet Summit 2004 on 17th to 19th November 2004! The Beijing International Hotel Beijing, China Attend this WORLD Toilet Summit held for the FIRST TIME here in CHINA - Meet the KEY DECISION MAKERS, KEY OFFICIALS and the MOVERS & SHAKERS of the Industry! Make a Date! REGISTER TODAY For Early Bird Discounts For details, please click here .

H A C..

Pencinta KUCING ? Kucing Buatan.. woooaaaa Hypo-Allergenic Cat


Research shows that 9 out of 10 customers choose on appearance. Do you look good enough for customers to choose you? It is increasingly important to look professional in your advertisements, web presence, and printed materials. The full potential of your business cannot be reached unless you look professional. Well crafted creative work can increase your sales and add confidence to your existing customer base. hmmm..

Semoga anda..

hmm..cuba yg ini pula..advanced sikit.. Selamat Pulang .. opss..hampir terlupa..perlu ada pembesar suara.. animasi dibina dgn bantuan kepakaran flash oleh & audio oleh

dengar-dengar ini..

harap maklum.. ada gangguan teknikal.. audio tdk boleh didengari buat masa ini. harap bersabar sehingga masalah ini dpt diperbetulkan oleh jabatan sistem audio. dengar-dengar ini..   Artis Tajuk Masa     1:12' powered by

Khayalan menjelma..

hehehe.. ini cuma khayalan a.k.a imajinasi pelukis sahaja berdasarkan berita semasa.. cerita penuh.. hello! sikap tak sopan di sebalik khayalan.. *hehe..tiada kaitan langsung*

Semangat ALYRIDURA kembali

tolong kawan buat promosi.. serasi utk telefon bimbit yg menyokong latar warna..

"Sesungguhnya syurga itu di bawah telapak kaki ibu. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri daripada Petronas.''

hehehe...mmg sah ramai yg sudah mendpt emel berkaitan.. kekerapan terjumpa dgn 'recycle joke' ini ketara bila musim yg sama kita tempuhi.. "Ayam berapa ekor? ...5 mak..." "Ketupat berapa dah siap? ...20 mak..." "Kelapa dah parut? ....Dah mak..." "Daging...?" (tak berjawab)..... "Hati...?" (tak berjawab)..... "Limpa...?" (tak berjawab).... "Hmm... apa la nak jadi dengan korang ni..." (Naik sampan)... "Lembu ada lagi Pak Mat?".... "Nih, lembu tengah dok baca email jer, pemaleh nak kerojer!!!!" masih berdasarkan iklan yg sama.. keluar selepas kejayaan iklan tersebut.. maknanya; terdpt pelbagai versi lawak kitarsemula dlm pasaran.. ...Suatu hari di sebuah kampung, 2 hari sebelum ketibaan Hari Raya Aidilfitri..... "Ayam berapa ekor? ...5 mak..." "Ketupat berapa dah siap? ...20 mak..." "Kelapa dah parut? ....Dah mak..." "beruk...?" (tak berjawab)..... ...

Well.. great story of the year..

hehehe...saja suka 2 .. utk yg tahu kisah .. yg tdk tahu kisah.. well selamatlah..

Toksin ~ Cerpen Oleh FUDZAIL

* hmm..sebuah cerpen yg menarik..* Di Lebuh raya Persekutuan, kesesakan lalu lintas terus mengasak fikiran Camelia. Walau suasana persekitaran telah banyak berubah, terasa lebuh raya itu masih seperti 20 tahun dahulu. Seperti pertama kali dia menjejak lebuh raya dan mengenal ibu kota. Sesak dan menyesakkan. Pemandu limousin Proton Perdana yang disewanya nampak tenang. Tentu perkara biasa bagi dia yang katanya dibesarkan di Kuala Lumpur. Ya, KL ibu kota yang melambangkan wajah kemodenan negara. baca sepenuhnya di sini

Ingat nak buat duit..

hmm.. amat menarik & terasa ingin mencuba.. tp apakan daya.. Malaysia tdk masuk dlm senarai.. kantoi..




Ucap selamat sempena 1 tahun pentadbiran Malaysia di bawah kepimpinan Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.. err tp baru setahun...ada banyak masa lagi.. rata 2 media massa memaparkan berita ini.. karikatur yg ini berkaitan ulasan PM tentang pembebasan DSAI .. *saja suka 2 *

Last 4 digits..

hmm.. arahan reload via sms utk rangkaian celcom.. rasanya pihak terbabit lupa hendak kemaskini arahan bhgian "last 4 digits of the serial number" di laman web mesej yg diterima ialah : To recharge own no, type REC <Recharge Code> & send to 2888.E.g. REC 1234567890123456 & send to 2888 "last 4 digits.." tidak perlu lagi..


har har har har har har... HOW TO SHOWER LIKE A WOMAN -Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks. -Walk into bathroom wearing long dressing gown. If you see your husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas. -Look at your womanly physique in the mirror. Make mental note...Must do more sit-ups. -Get in the shower. Use face cloth, arm cloth, leg cloth, long loofah, wide loofah, and pumice stone. -Wash your hair with Cucumber Sage shampoo with 43 added vitamins. -Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean. Condition your hair with Grapefruit Mint conditioner, enhanced with natural avocado oil. Leave on hair for fifteen minutes. Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for ten minutes, until red. -Wash entire rest of body with Ginger Nut and Jaffa Cake body wash. -Rinse conditioner off hair. You must make sure that it has all come off. Shave armpits and legs. Consider shaving bikini area, but decide to get it waxed instead. ...